Better Midday Service on H Street, Benning Road

Just a few months ago I applauded Metro's decision to extend service hours of the X2 bus to 24/7 by adding overnight service. We may be in line for weekday midday service upgrades as well. Under a new proposal for the X2 route, WMATA would:
  • reduce weekday midday bus frequency from every 8 minutes to every 10-12 minutes
  • send all downtown bound buses all the way to Lafayette Park (eliminating Gallery Place as a terminal)
OK, so how is reducing service on the X2 helpful? Well, that reduction would make room for the new X9 midday service. The X9 bus currently operates limited stop service between Capital Heights and Metro Center. It operates during rush hours only. The new proposal would add X9 midday service at 20 minute intervals. Buses would still run existing intervals during morning and evening rush. 

If approved, all adjustments would take place in June 2018.

Other proposed DC Metrobus changes include:
  • extending the 50s buses to the new Wharf development in SW
  • alternate routing of 63 and 64 buses south of U Street NW
  • adding 74 bus service to the Wharf and DC United's new stadium in SW
  • eliminating all of route 94 (Stanton Road line)
  • ending route 96 at Cathedral Commons instead of at Tenleytown
  • replacing U5 an U6 service to Mayfair with the U7
  • eliminating the V5 (Fairfax Village to L'Enfant)
Side note: Wondering how DC Streetcar fits in? Ridership is increasing for streetcar and Metrobus routes along benning Road and H Street. Metro found that during the first year of operation, DC Streetcar was not hurting ridership on the X2. The addition of transit (and likely the addition of  available riders) allow both modes to trend upwards, totally acknowledging that streetcar is a very new service with a short operating history. 

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