Book Store Planned for H Street NE

The commercial land use sector is vast, but sometimes new development in DC seems to go: bar, restaurant, dry cleaners, bar, cell phone store, bank, bar, restaurant, repeat. OK, of course that's hyperbole and there are a variety of diverse, small, and independent businesses opening all over the city each month. However, it's rare that we get to celebrate an independent bookstore opening; or any bookstore really.

Now we do. Solid State Books plans to open a book store and coffee bar in the Apollo building at 600 H Street NE. The folks behind Solid State are Kramerbooks alumni and I have to say this is an awesome, refreshing addition to H Street. While there are already coffee shops, banks, clothing stores, shoe stores, and other daytime retail options in the neighborhood, a book store is a great draw for daytime and evening hours. I wish them great luck and plan to be one of the first customers.

Read more:

H Street NE is getting a bookstore (Washington Business Journal)

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