200 Seat Restaurant for Capital Crossing

200 Mass Ave (center) from E Street NW.
ABRA placards are up for the first big retail project at Capital Crossing. A 200+ seat restaurant is set for the 200 Mass building, which is currently under construction. 200 Mass will be the first of 5 buildings, largely constructed over Interstate 395, in downtown DC. The project promises 2.2 million square feet of mixed use floor space including 75,000 square feet of retail and restaurants.

The placards indicates a request for a restaurant called "Union Square Cafe" that will seat 175 patrons with a total occupancy load of 220 and a summer garden with 45 seats. The proposed open hours are Sunday to Thursday 10AM - 1AM and Friday to Saturday 10AM - 2AM. The nature of operation is described as contemporary American "...with seasonal fare in a semi-formal, refined setting..."

The original Union Square Cafe opened in 1985 and is currently located on Park Ave about halfway between Union Square and Madison Square Parks in New York City. Here's the dinner menu. 200 Mass Ave is set to deliver in late 2018.

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