901 H Street Moves Forward; Will Bring 400+ Units

901 H St NE
The "Avec on H," a new multifamily residential building on H Street NE, just hit a major milestone. DC can sometimes seem like a city of cranes. Well, now the Avec (I... I... just can't call it that. I'm calling it 901 H St) has a crane of its own. The excavation isn't quite done, but most major digging is over and some of the concrete basin and lower floors are already starting to take shape.

We now have some of the final numbers for the project:
  • 419 apartment units for rent
  • 44,300 square feet of residential space
  • 430 parking spaces
901 H makes three 300+ unit residential buildings between 6th & 10th Streets NE. Anthology (625 H St NE) has 307 rental units and the Apollo (600 H St NE) has a whopping 430 rental units. Further away, 501 H St NE will have 28 rental units and the Constellation on H (1402 H St NE; formerly identified as 1401 Florida) will also come in with 28 condo units.

501 H St NE
"Constellation on H"

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