fringe /frinj/ adjective 1. not part of the mainstream; unconventional, peripheral, or extreme. Capitol Fringe Festival has cemented itself as part of the DC cultural landscape over the past decade. It returns in 2017 at a time when we need the arts find an apt critique, establish a primer for future life experiences, make sense of things, or simply to escape. I hate to say I ever want to "get lost" in the art, but sometimes you want to stay hidden in it, envelop yourself in it, insulated from reality, for however long that lasts. Other times you want it right front and center for deconstruction and interpretation. However you experience and react to art, there will be a lot of it starting this week in the form of the Capital Fringe Festival. There are too many shows to list them all, but here are a few I'm intrigued by: Ready to Serve: Remember the Nurses Presented by Ellouise Schoettler, Spoken Word Artist A true story of 64 Maryland Army nurses w...