New Museum for Judiciary Square

Location of the NLEO Museum in Judiciary Square
A new museum is coming to downtown DC, and it's going underground. The National Law Enforcement Officers Museum will be located adjacent to the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial in Judiciary Square (400 block of E St NW). The Memorial opened in 1991 atop a park that also serves as the northern entrance of the Judiciary Sq Metro station. The creation of the Museum portion was authorized by Congress and President Clinton in 2000.

The new museum will be located across the street from the memorial, directly in front of the DC Court of Appeals building; the side with the snazzy glass-enclosed security checkpoint. Planned glass entrance pavilions on each side of the museum appear to compliment the DC Court of Appeals building, but also seem to be set off to the east and west sides, as to not block the view from E St NW.

Organizers secured financing this January and construction has begun. The initial excavation will last into October/November followed shortly thereafter by the actual museum build-out. It will total 57,000 sq feet when complete. In comparison, the National Museum of Crime & Punishment, which was also located underground, encompassed 28,000 sq feet. 

The architects are David Buckley Architects and Planners (same firm who designed the memorial) and the builders are Clark Construction. The construction project is slated to take 25 months, so look for the Museum to open in Summer 2018. Check out initial exhibitions here.

Renderings, care of the Memorial Fund:

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