Coming Soon to H Street: Pizza, Egg Rolls, and Jamexican

It's shaping up to be a busy fall season for new H Street NE retail & restaurants, after a somewhat sleepy summer. Several spots have recently been bestowed with signage for new businesses. There's more to come, but the first three we'll take a look at are here: San Francisco based Neapolitan pizza maker Mozzeria is set for the Baldwin building at 1300 H Street NE. Mozzeria looks great with a classic & simple menu of 12 inch wood fired pizzas, --including vegan pies (yessssssssssssss)-- small plates, and the all important after-dinner coffee service. I finally caught up and read this WaPo article about the founders . So cool to get to know the story of the owners of a place before they open in the city. Just like the SF restaurant, the DC store will be fully staffed by deaf workers, making it the second business on H (Starbucks) dedicated to hiring primarily deaf and hard of hearing staff and management. The restaurant will have around 100 seats, give or ...