Deck Over Interstate 395 Takes Shape

Decking over interstate 395 begins. The project to deck over interstate 395 inside the District continues and new changes are visible daily on the large work site. The decking for what will be a platform holding new buildings and streets is starting to take shape just south of Massachusetts Ave NW between 2nd and 3rd Streets. And the construction of a new entrance portal to the soon to be underground highway has created a huge mess of traffic near the confluence of Mass Ave and H Street NW. As a new rider of the X series buses that pass through this area, I look forward to the eventual resolution of this temporary set-up. The name of the project is Capital Crossing and the builders look to complete the project by 2020. Project website . New underground entrance to interstate 395 on Mass Ave NW. Rendering of 200 and 250 Massachusetts Ave buildings, two of five new buildings to be constructed. Via Capital Crossing .